1. Put your clean sheets on your bed. (No sense spreading them all over the floor and getting them dirty again, right?!?!)
2. After folding the flat sheet (no tutorial here, folks.... just grab corners, fold, fold, fold, fold.... and you're done!), spread out your fitted sheet and pull the fitted corners tight.
3. Bring the corners together on both ends by folding the sheet in half. Keep those corners tight, and match them up as best as you can!
4. Now, fold the sheet in thirds.
It should look somewhat like this:
5. Fold in half, longways.
6. And fold in thirds again!
7. That's about all for that darn fitted sheet. Oh, but we aren't quite through.... here's a little neat freak cheat sheet tip: Stack your fitted sheet, flat sheet and ONE pillow case in a nice, neat pile.
8. Slip the entire pile into the SECOND pillow case.
9. Fold the pillow case tightly and neatly around the sheet pile.
10. Fold again until you get a VERY neat sheet package!
And... now you're ready to put your clean, folded sheets (hidden snuggly inside your pillow case) on a shelf or in a drawer!
Now, THAT's neat!