I love neat things... and a few neat things that make that neat list include: watches, calendars and clocks... neat things that I can wear or display or just use that help me keep my life in order.
SO, I just absolutely HAD to share this awesome "time spent with family" clock giveaway! It's a beautiful kit with the hands/mechanism and the vinyl (in YOUR color choice to matchy matchy!)... all you add are the frames and photos - 4 of them... or all 12 for the whole clock! What a beautiful and wonderful reminder of what really matters the most in life!!!
LOVE this... so, be sure to click here and visit Beth's Uppercase Living Facebook page for your chance to WIN! OR... you could always get your own family clock kit by going directly to the website, here, to order! There are LOTS of other neat things there, too! (My favorite chalk labels, for one! Check out more about those on my blog, here in the pantry and here for more ideas!)
Now, THAT's neat!