Wednesday, February 10, 2010

DAY 1-5: Can I get a vote?

This is day 1 of my new blog: The Neat Get Neater. I am excited to have a place to rant and rave about cleanliness and organization. Sound boring? Well, I HOPE not! I promise to do my very best to be entertaining and informative with a tentatively dull topic. And to start things off right, I am taking a vote on how to design/decorate my blog! What do YOU think?

Here are a few possible colors/patterns I am considering for the background. Post a comment and vote for your favorite (or favorites). Once this is determined, I will be able to design the remaining pieces (i.e. the header, the signature, etc., etc.). So PLEASE cast YOUR vote, and let me know how to get this blog off to a great start!






Now, THAT's neat!

UPDATE: In hopes that I get some votes for this new blog design, I am keeping this post at the top as DAY 1-5 and will not add any new posts until day 6 (to talk about the "winner"). I will launch the new design by day 10!


  1. I like #1 best, good luck with the new blog!

  2. #2, the pin point dots look really tidy!

  3. #3. Every room in your house has stripes...I know and you've told me personally.

  4. Love them all, but the first is so clean, bright and cheery!

  5. This is TheMuseFactory from swap-bot. I do need to get organized, I should post a picture of what my apartment looks like and you'd laugh so hard! I vote the last one : )

  6. HI! This is mbkufen from swap-bot... I like #1! Looking forward to getting some ideas about making my house neater!

  7. Go with #5. The stripes on #3 look too busy as does the pattern for #4. #2 is too drab and #1 would hurt my eyes after a while. #5 is chic with the best representation of "neatness" of the bunch.

    Can't wait to follow this blog. It seems like I'm constantly organizing and re-organizing my house (especially my kitchen). Now I have a neat-freak kindred spirit.

    superstarchefmark (swap-bot, bemyblogfollower2)

  8. This is going to be interesting.... looks like #1 is currently in the lead! :)

  9. I won't stop long I feel I'm making the place look messy!

    LOVE number 2 if you're thinking NEAT - its uncluttered and Calming- UNLIKE ME!

    Happy tidying - new untidy follower via swapbot X

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Hi!My name is Carly from and I am following you now.I didn't know which blog to pick so I chose this one.I cqan really use some tips about clutter control!LOL
    Too many crafting supplies!
    I am amazed at how much you do,mommy,full time work, businesses!Wow!!! How do you do it???
    If you have a chance come visit me at
    I like both #1 and #2 best for your backgrounds!


Thanks for your neat comment!